BETA UPDATE - What has happened & what comes next

October 7, 2022

The 11th episode of Menthol Protocol's enlightening discussion about Regenerative Finance (ReFi) and its potential to combat climate change. The conversation was filled with insights and updates about the role of blockchain technology in incentivizing stakeholders and coordinating efforts for environmental sustainability.

The episode kicked off with a warm welcome and a brief explanation of the green laser eyes on the team's profile pictures. This symbolizes their bullish stance in the ReFi space and their commitment to the intersection of climate action and Web3 technology.

The host thanked the community for their patience as the previous week's space was postponed to focus on their beta launch and other important tasks. A special shout-out was given to Miche, who was the star of the previous space, for her invaluable insights and stimulating conversations with the community.

The spotlight then turned to Amir, a key member of the Menthol Protocol team, who has been on the road showcasing the protocol. Amir tuned in from Bali, where he shared updates about his recent trips and meetings with various partners and investors in the crypto, Web3, and blockchain space.

Amir's first trip was to Token 49 Singapore, a major event in the crypto world. He expressed his delight at being back in Singapore, a city where he had previously studied. The event was a great opportunity to meet with a lot of investors and partners, including Cardano and Project Galaxy. He also mentioned other projects they met, like Climate DAO and Carbon Fire, and expressed his eagerness to work closely with them.

Amir then gave a brief introduction about Menthol Protocol for the new listeners. He shared the vision of Menthol Protocol, which is to create a climate-positive future by leveraging the power of blockchain technology and ReFi.

Stay tuned for the next part of the summary where we'll delve deeper into the discussions and updates shared in the episode. The Menthol Protocol team is excited about the journey ahead and is committed to driving climate action and mass adoption of Web3 technology.

Ask Minto
Hi, My name is Minto. you can ask me anything about Menthol Protocol :)