Embracing Sustainability with Menthol Protocol: A Team Introduction

July 29, 2022

Hello, everyone! We're thrilled to introduce you to the first episode of the Menthol Protocol's journey. This episode is a delightful introduction to the team behind the multi-chain decentralized protocol that aims to offset carbon emissions with renewable energy and carbon credits.

The episode begins with a warm welcome from Ashley, a member of the governance team and the moderator for the day. She introduces the Menthol Protocol to the world, explaining its high-level features and the mission to offset carbon emissions generated by user DApp or network transactions. Ashley promises more detailed insights into the protocol's features in future episodes, keeping this one light and introductory.

Next, we meet Amir, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of Menthol Protocol. Amir expresses his excitement about the project and the community's involvement. He introduces the concept of regeneration, which is central to the Menthol Protocol. Regeneration, as Amir explains, is about increasing value over time, not just maintaining it, as in sustainability. This concept extends across environmental, social, and economic dimensions.

Amir also mentions the Menthol Ambassador Program, a community initiative that has already received many applications. He encourages listeners to introduce themselves and discuss their involvement in the ReFi space, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

Following Amir, we hear from Daniel, the Head of Growth at Menthol Protocol. Daniel is the wizard behind managing the community channels, including Discord and Telegram. He is also the driving force behind the Ambassador Program, further emphasizing the importance of community in the Menthol Protocol's mission.

This episode is a fantastic introduction to the Menthol Protocol team and their vision for a sustainable future. It's clear that the team is passionate about making sustainability affordable and easy to access for everyone. Their commitment to regeneration, community, and transparency shines through in their introductions and discussions.

Stay tuned for more episodes to learn about the Menthol Protocol's innovative features and their journey towards a sustainable future in the blockchain space.

Remember, every step towards sustainability is a step towards a better future. Let's take those steps together with the Menthol Protocol team!

we get to know more about Daniel, the Head of Growth at Menthol Protocol. Daniel, an environmental scientist, shares his journey from investing in crypto in 2011 to developing a passion for web3 two years ago, and finally joining the Menthol Protocol team this year. He is proud to be part of a team that has grown to 15 members, all dedicated to the mission of the protocol.

Daniel, calling in from Bolivia, South America, provides more details about the Menthol Ambassador Program, also known as the "Menthol Force". This program aims to build a community of professionals and enthusiasts in the ReFi space. They are seeking members for various departments, including engineering, sustainability, community, marketing, and policy. The program offers team resources, guidance, support, networking opportunities, and early access to events, NFT releases, and major updates.

Next, we hear from Amir, the CMO, who is calling in from Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Germany. He highlights the international nature of the Menthol Protocol team, with members spread from San Francisco to China. He also mentions that more team members will be introduced in the next Twitter space, including the tech team.

Ashley, the moderator, shares her journey from working in public policy and writing government contracts to discovering blockchain and smart contracts. Originally from Hawaii, she has a deep appreciation for the environment, which aligns with the mission of the Menthol Protocol.

Amir then shares his journey to joining the Menthol Protocol. He was working on an NFT project when he met the founders of Menthol Protocol, who were working on a solution for climate positivity. He saw the need for such a solution in the blockchain space, especially with the increasing awareness of the environmental impact of blockchain technologies.

This episode provides a wonderful insight into the diverse backgrounds and journeys of the Menthol Protocol team members. Their shared passion for sustainability and regeneration is evident in their introductions and discussions. Their commitment to community building, transparency, and innovation is inspiring and sets a strong foundation for the future of the Menthol Protocol.

we meet Selim, who, despite being referred to as the CEO, prefers not to use C-level titles in the DAO. Selim, calling in from Ankara, Turkey, shares his extensive background in engineering, enterprise software, and consulting. With over 12 years of experience, he has worn many hats, from GIS expert and software developer to business developer, project team leader, and product manager.

Selim's journey in the energy and startup space led him to become a validator on the Energy Web Chain and an advisor for one of the biggest energy companies in Europe. His major responsibility at Menthol Protocol is raising funds and aiding the team in adding new features to the product. Despite his many responsibilities, Selim's passion for making sustainability affordable and easy to access is evident.

Selim then shares the story of how the idea for the Menthol Protocol came about. Their previous startup was developing solutions for energy consumers to become sustainable by paying their electricity bills. However, they wanted to go a step further and compensate for their emissions by buying renewable energy certificates. This process led them to realize the power of buying impact tokens from trustworthy sources and the potential for making a significant positive impact on the environment.

This episode provides a deeper understanding of the team's backgrounds, their journeys to the Menthol Protocol, and their shared passion for sustainability and regeneration. Their commitment to making sustainability affordable and easy to access for everyone is inspiring and sets a strong foundation for the future of the Menthol Protocol.

Ask Minto
Hi, My name is Minto. you can ask me anything about Menthol Protocol :)